About me

Hello! I’m Hajra, founder of H.ART Illustrations or Hajra.Art if you know me from my socials. I am a self-taught digital artist and fashion illustrator based in the UK who specialises in illustrating all things extravagant and opulent (aka South Asian bridal wear).
Growing up, my heritage is something that has always had a huge influence in my artwork. From a young age I have always been drawn to the intricacy of South Asian fashion and have constantly dreamt of creating designs that replicate that exact moment of awe when seeing these outfits in real life. At first everything I did was hand drawn, I fell in love with trying to replicate the designs by hand with my paintbrush and watercolours and I would spend hours doing exactly that. Eventually through the blessing of digital art, it allowed me to explore new ways of creating art and all these wonderful fashion illustrations that now take half as much time as they did creating it by hand on paper. Sooner or later through word of mouth and the blessing of social media, it ultimately led me to the pleasure of creating bespoke wedding illustrations for clients from their big day to help capture their most special moments. Since then, I have had the luxury of working with so many wonderful clients from all over the world and have helped bring their visions to life. Whether that was designing their wedding stationary (welcome boards, invitation designs, etc), to illustrating faceless portraits to gift their loved ones on special occasions. The possibilities have been endless and I have thoroughly enjoyed every project that I have been a part of.
Now, as I continue to grow not only as an artist, but as a young British Pakistani Muslim woman, I hope that I can begin to bring more representation to my community through my art. As both a young girl and an adolescent who grew up in a predominantly white community, I would have loved nothing more than to see myself in art, in wall posters, or on stickers and stationary like my peers already had. I would have loved something that I too could collect and use to decorate my notebooks with and feel proud that they looked like me.
H.ART Illustrations is for those extravagant individuals like myself who never want to settle for just ‘mediocre’ and always want to go above and beyond. I believe that art is a luxurious way of adding that special touch to anything, whether it’s for your new home, or as part of your big day in your wedding invitations. My aim is to ensure that my clients feel spoilt every time when receiving their illustrations.